CR injector testing set model Master in a case

Product number 4304920
Availability Available on order
  • 6 Silikonschläuche jeweils 37 mm lang
  • 4 6-teilige Sätze mit Anschlussadapter
Diesel resistant Plexiglas block with 6 chambers (each 8 ml) on a chain. 6 silicone hoses each 37 mm long and 4 six-part sets with connectors for Bosch, Delphi, Denso and Siemens injectors.
This is universally applicable equipment for examining the CR injector return rate. The return rate quantity of the injectors gives information of the condition of the individual injector e.g. with starting problems or a badly running engine

Type: CR injectors from Bosch, Delphi, Denso, Siemens e.g. Ford, MB, Opel