Universal glow plug removal OM642

Product number 60416750
Availability Available
More than once, the hex-drive of an extremely seized Glow Plug will break off during the removing-process. The central contact of the glow plug prevents the drive hexagon from being removed as it´s attached to the Glow Plug body. With these tool set, in a few steps, the central contact will be removed, a screw-on or hammer-in drill sleeve installed, and the glow plug will be drilled out by a guided drilling-system. The Glow Plugs on OM642 engine are very hard to reach, therefor, and for the safety of the working-process, a guided drilling system is essential.

> Removing the central electrode
> Drilling out the Glow Plug thread
> Extracting the Glow Plug
> Cleaning the Glow Plug hole with brushes
> Renewing the thread in the cylinder head

60416740 - Glow Plug Drilling-Out Kit OM642, without thread repair