Universal broken glow plug tip removal set M8x1, M9x1, M10x1 & M10x1.25

Product number 90417900
Availability Available
Brands Universell, Universell
  • For all common glow plug sizes
  • Thorough cleaning of glow plug bore
  • Disassembly of the cylinder head is not necessary
For removing of broken elements of glow plugs tips, with the threads M8x1, M10x1 and M10x1.25.
It is possible that during the removal of the glow plug the de-licate element breaks off and the tip remains in the shaft. This is a comprehensive universal kit as there are several combi-nations of thread and tip diameter. In the kit there are various tools such as the centering aids, variable depth stops, drills, etc. This unique comprehensive high quality kit is capable of removing most combinations of broken glow plug tips on most vehicles.

Suited for: Glow plugs M8x1, M10x1 and M10x1.25