Flare Nut Spanner Set 3 pcs

Product number 61343300
Availability Available on order
Brands Universell, Universell
  • Insbesondere für schwer erreichbare Radbremszylinder oder ABS Steuerdruckblöcke geeignet.
  • Ein Runddrehen stark angerosteter Verschraubungen ist nahezu ausgeschlossen
  • Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Nüssen deutlich bessere Kraftverteilung an der Verschraubung
For reliable and damage free use on rusted brake line flare nuts.
The special profile applies to a large area to the resilient flanks of hexagon screw connections and protects the edges. This spanner is particularly suitable for hard to reach wheel brake cylinders or ABS pressure control blocks.

- Rounding heavily rusted flare nuts is almost impossible.
- Compared to conventional sockets significantly better distribution of force on the nuts.
- Damage to the fitting and possibly needed brake line replacement can be avoided.
- Perfect for confined spaces.

3-piece set includes:
Flare Nut Spanner 19mm (90509190)
Special brake line socket 11mm (61343301)
Special brake line socket 13mm (61343302)