Hub Flange Rust Removal Disc Set 3 pcs for Cars M.rpm 1500 Ø 160mm

Product number 6149565
Availability Available
  • Zum Einsatz in Verbindung mit z.B. Bohrmaschine oder Akku-Schrauber
  • Auswechselbare Reinigungsscheiben mit Klettverschluss
  • Geringe Staubentwicklung im Gegensatz zu Drahtbürsten etc.
For the cleaning of the wheel centre and the contact surface (wheel /brake disk to the hub).
For application in connection with a drill, portable electric drill or pneumatic drill. Replaceable cleaning disks with Velcro fastening. Long service life of the cleaning disk. Small dust formation contrary to wire brushes etc. because of the open-porous abrasive and cupshaped basic equipment, no flying sparks and a perfect finish.

The cleaned contact surface ensures a flat seat for the brake disk and wheel thus maintaining the clearances of the brake disk and getting the genuine torque values.

Number of revolutions max. 1500 rpm