Cleaning Brush Set Ø 6, 8, 10, 13 and 16 mm

Product number 9139005
Availability Available
  • vielseitig verwendbar durch 5 verschiedene Bürstengrößen
  • dank flexiblem Bithalter auch für schwer zugängliche Bohrungen verwendbar
  • mit Halter & flexibler Welle
For cleaning soiled or rusted bores and guides: For example, the caliper sliding guide or the bore of the ABS sensor in the steering knuckle.

- Versatile through 5 different brush sizes
- Thanks to the flexible bit holder also useable for hard to reach holes

Brush sizes: Ø 6 mm, Ø 8 mm, Ø 10 mm, Ø 13 mm and Ø 16 mm (each 2 pieces)