Stepped drill " Gold ", 3 pcs. mit Entgratungszone

Product number 2802850
Availability Available
  • Schnittwinkel im gesamten Verlauf der Spiralnut
  • hohe und gleichmäßige Schnittleistung und Laufruhe
  • optimaler Spantransport und längere Standzeit
Long service life because of the titanium nitrite (Tin) coating. The hole diameter is readable by the laser scale in the slot. For the number of revolutions required approximate values for steel/CrNi (VA) are printed in a table in the lid of the steel sheet cartridge. With flat spot for burr free drilling of sheet metals, pipes and profiles up to 4 mm material thickness.

28024000 Stepped drill size 1 Ø4 - 12 mm, 1 mm ascending p/n 280 24 00
28024500 Stepped drill size 1a Ø4 - 20 mm, 2 mm ascending p/n 280 24 50
2802500 Stepped drill size 2 Ø 6 - 30 mm, 2 mm ascending p/n 280 25 00